Find the k-th element in two sorted arrays.
The k-th element exists in A[0, ... , k-1] and B[0, ..., k-1]. Suppose m of the k elements are in A, then A[m]> B[k-m-1], B[k-m]>A[m-1]. The k-th element is MAX (A[m-1], B[k-m-1]). Use binary search to find such m. Time complexity is O(log k).
[Alternative Question]:
Find the median of two sorted arrays. In this case, k = (M+N)/2, M, N are lengths of A and B.
//Find the k-th element.
public static int findKthElementOfArrays(int[] a, int[] b, int k) {
assert k>0;
assert a.length + b.length >= k;
int low = Math.max(0, k-b.length);
int high= Math.min(k, a.length);
int m = 0;
while (low < high) {
m = low + (high-low)/2;
if (k-m-1>=0 && a[m]<b[k-m-1]) {
low = m+1;
else if (m>0 && k-m <b.length && b[k-m]<a[m-1]) {
high = m;
else {
low = m;
if (low == 0) return b[k-1];
if (low == k) return a[k-1];
return Math.max(a[low-1], b[k-low-1]);
// Find the median.
class Solution {
double findMedianSortedArrays(vector<int>& nums1, vector<int>& nums2) {
vector<int> &a=nums1.size()<nums2.size()?nums1:nums2,
&b = a==nums1?nums2:nums1;
auto median=[](vector<int>& x) {
int i = x.size()/2;
return x.size()%2?(double)x[i]: (x[i-1]+x[i])/2.0;
if (a.empty()) return median(b);
if (b.empty()) return median(a);
int m=a.size(), n=b.size(), k=(m+n)>>1;
int lo=max(0,k-n), hi=min(m, k);
while (lo<hi) {
int mid = (lo+hi)>>1;
if (k-mid-1>=0 && b[k-mid-1]>a[mid])
lo = mid+1;
else if (mid-1>=0 && b[k-mid]<a[mid-1])
hi = mid;
else {
lo = mid;
int upper = (lo==m)?b[k-lo]:(k-lo)==n?a[lo]:min(a[lo],b[k-lo]);
int lower = (lo==0)?b[k-1]:(lo==k)?a[k-1]:max(a[lo-1],b[k-lo-1]);
return (m+n)&0x01? upper: (upper+lower)/2.0;
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